The Telecoms Economy 2017: Key Figures

On Tuesday the 19th December, the French Telecoms Federation published the key figures for 2017 for the telecommunications sector:
- 4G: 1 in every 2 SIM cards is active (+50% over 2 years)
- x2 in 1 year: data consumption/month (3G and 4G)
- +35% in 1 year: fixed-line ultrafast broadband subscribers (≥ 100 Mbps)
- France has the lowest prices among any major Western country. Examples of basic offers include:
- €18 “Triple Play” offer (internet, TV and telephone)
- €10 mobile offer (unlimited calls + data package)
- +1%: the evolution in revenue of the European digital ecosystem (annual average from 2007 to 2016)
- Value of the price index in 2016 (100 in 2010)
- +5%: the evolution in revenue of the worldwide digital ecosystem (annual average from 2007 to 2016)
- Investment by network operators in France:
- €8.9 billion in 2016, 25% of Turnover (a record investment for the decade)
- €71 billion over 10 years
- 169: the investment effort index (total investment/turnover) for telecoms operators in 2016 (index of 100 in 2010)
- x13: the amount of corporation tax imposed on telecoms operators in relation to that paid by the major internet companies
- €1.258 billion: the specific tax paid by the 3 leading telecoms operators (1/4 for cinema and France Télévisions).
Also discover these key figures in video (french version):