Network Operators Commit to Accessibility

Network operators commit to accessibility
- 8,000 trained sales representatives (+8%): a sustained policy on the part of operators to train and raise awareness among their staff with regard to disability and accessibility
- 4,825 hours (+21%) of communication in French Sign Language (LSF)* / Cued Speech (LPC)** / Text for the deaf and hearing impaired
- 123,700 adapted brochures (+7%) printed on paper
- More dialogue between associations, public authorities and the Federation
An ever-increasing offer tailored to different types of disability
- 1,100 adapted mobile phones
- 26 adapted mobile terminals labelled by operators
- 37 adapted mobile or application services labelled
- Increase in remote controls and smartphone applications with voice-control for TV interfaces
Network operators devote even greater attention to the needs of users
- 2 access audits conducted on operator websites
- Launch of an open-source solution dedicated to website accessibility
- A higher proportion of adapted stores
- 404 dedicated software programs for visual impairment installed by operators and their partners (+46%)
- 12,302 adapted paper bills for a more individualised service. Paperless billing in readable format by means of tailored applications.
- 22,557 tools for visual notifications of incoming calls/messages installed