“Info Hunter”: the new program to combat fake news

On the 5th of February 2018, “Safer Internet Day 2018” was launched by Tralalere, Internet Sans Crainte and other partners at Cap Digital, the competitiveness cluster for digital transformation.
The audience witnessed a preview of the new Info Hunter project to combat fake news. Info Hunter and the company Tralalere were chosen by the Federation and its members at the occasion of a call for innovative projects in October 2017 (see our dedicated article). We have gone on to support the project by means of a financial contribution.
This digital resource will help young people to understand how information is produced online, together with the importance of exposing themselves to different points of view when exercising their critical spirit.
The Federation will soon be advancing with the practical implementation of the programme with a workshop due to be held in an educational establishment.
Such action further illustrates the will of telecoms operators belonging to the Federation to invest in digital education for young people.
Find below the interviews of the actors involved in this project (french video):
- 00:00 – Deborah Elalouf, President of Tralalere ;
- 00:43 – Michel Combot, Managing Director FFTélécoms ;
- 01:30 – Carina Chatain, Head of Digital Education at CNIL ;
- 02:05 – Olivier Gérard, UNAF Digital Media Co-ordinator ;
- 02:47 – Géraldine Woessner, Reporter « Europe 1 ».