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EuroISPA, the European Association of Internet Service Providers (ISP), held its usual quarterly meeting in the beginning of April. This meeting provided a forum to thoroughly discuss the question of the liability of intermediaries, as well as to lay the groundwork of a new way for operators to deal with illegal contents online.

This new common strategy, closely aligned with the one of the Federation, is based on a shared respect for the fundamental rights of users, and on a common refusal of the stakeholders to substitute themselves to the Courts.

In addition to a review of the main upcoming European points of legislation, each member association updated the others on the evolutions of the regulatory environment of its home Member State. Such source of information is a real opportunity for the Federation, as it provides it with an overview of the relevant European policies, and helps predict their potential impact on the French regulatory environment.

The next quarterly meeting will be held in June in Vienna and will focus on the European Electronic Communications Code, and on the e-Privacy and e-Evidence draft regulations.

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