EuroISPA 2016: Laying the Foundations of an Open and Secure Internet

The French Telecoms Federation brought together the European internet service provider associations to promote dialogue with the French authorities and network operators.
On the 22nd and 23rd of September 2016, the Federation hosted the general meeting of the euroISPA association in Paris. The association encompasses the European associations of internet service providers in Europe, a group of almost 2,500 companies in total within the continental sector. It holds meetings on a quarterly basis to discuss industry-related issues.
Under the impetus of Michel Combot, Managing Director of the French Telecoms Federation, a number of speeches took place over the course of the two days.
Sébastien Soriano, the Chairman of ARCEP, shared his vision for digital regulation and examined the ways in which “regulation can be barbarized”. Vice-Chairman of the BEREC at the time and due to become its Chairman in 2017, he held discussions with representatives from across Europe and from the leading internet companies about the means of strengthening the foundations of an open internet in Europe, one that is safer and more technologically advanced.
In addition, the Federation organised speeches by representatives of three authorities – the French Online Gambling Regulator (ARJEL), the National Cybersecurity Agency of France (ANSSI) and the French High Authority for the Dissemination of Works and the Protection of Rights on the Internet (HADOPI) – in order to facilitate dialogue with members of euroISPA in respect of the organisational models and means of exchange between the public authorities and operators in France. Thus, Frédéric Guerchoun, Legal Director for ARJEL, François Charbonnier of the Coordination Bureau at ANSSI and Pauline Blassel, General Secretary of HADOPI, explained the objectives and procedures of their respective authoritative bodies. Major internet companies and representatives of the French authorities then pooled their ideas as to the further consolidation of internet users’ rights and security.
The association’s members, furthermore, were able to take stock of current affairs in Brussels, given the European Commission’s recent publication of several important documents in relation to the Digital Single Market. Among the topics discussed were:
- The implementation in every European country of the NIS Directive relating to networks and communications security ;
- The monitoring of developments in the European campaign against criminality online (Terrorism Directive) ;
- A point on relations with Europol ( ;
- European initiatives and deliberations concerning the responsibilities of technical intermediaries ;
- The revision of the European electronic communications regulatory framework ;
- The progress of the transposition of general data protection regulation (GDPR).
The proposed revisions of the AVMS and “Copyright” Directives.